How can I request a test accommodation?

We provide appropriate arrangements to individuals who demonstrate a documented need. Test accommodations are individualized, so we consider them on a case-by-case basis in partnership with Pearson VUE.

All candidates who are requesting test accommodations must themselves provide appropriate documentation of their condition and how it is expected to affect their ability to take the test under standard conditions. This may include additional supporting documentation from the professional who diagnosed the condition. A mail describing the need for test accommodations , and The Open Group candidate ID, should be sent to The Open Group will review and when approved forward the request to Pearson VUE who will then contact the candidate directly to schedule the appointment.

Please note that test accommodations can only be granted prior to an exam booking being made, and they are only available for test center appointments. Note that English as a Second Language (ESL) time allowance accommodations are automatically handled by the booking system.

Please also see the ESL information sheet here.

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