I am certified against the 9/9.1 syllabus, how do I update my certification to version 9.2?

Individuals who have achieved TOGAF 9 Certification against the syllabus for Version 9 or 9.1, can bridge to 9.2 with the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential - a 3-hour refresher.

Details of the credential and FAQs are available at:


This credential leads to an Open Badge to indicate that your TOGAF certification is up-to-date, and you have knowledge and understanding of the changes introduced to the TOGAF Body of Knowledge in 2018, including the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 and the TOGAF Library.

Courses leading to the TOGAF Essentials 2018 credential are now available from The Open Group TOGAF 9 accredited training course providers. Check the register here and look for the credential badge.


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