Our Open Professions certifications are unlike the majority of IT industry certifications in that there are no courses or exams. Instead, we evaluate each candidate's skills and experience against a set of conformance requirements, using a board interview process.
The program consists of the following certifications:
- Open Certified Architect (Open CA) - Open CA is the premier, global certification for certifying skills and experience in the IT architecture community
- Open Certified Data Scientist (Open CDS) - Open CDS is the industry's most comprehensive certification available for Data Scientists and the organizations that employ them and is designed to verify that Data Scientist professionals have the qualities and capabilities required to produce effective analysis of data for the overall improvement of the business
- Open Certified Technical Specialist (Open CTS) - Open CTS is designed to verify that professionals have the qualities and skills needed to enable the effective development, implementation, and operation of IT solutions
- Open Certified Trusted Technology Practitioner (Open CTTP) - Open CTTP is designed to verify that professionals have the qualities and skills needed to enable the application of effective Trusted Technology security practices, such as those described in the O-TTPS: ISO/IEC 20243
For further information and to apply, visit: https://certification.opengroup.org/open-professions