Will OnVUE (online) exam delivery work for me?

OnVUE delivery is not available in China, and South Korea. To check your connection and device are suitable, you can run the system test available here.

We do not recommend use of Work Computers. In general these tend to be "locked-down" and you will need administrative privileges in order to run the OnVUE software successfully.

What also do I need to know?

  • Your computer needs a webcam, microphone, and sufficient internet speed to satisfy system requirements
  • These exams are taken seriously, so please prepare your room as if it was a live test center
  • The exam must be taken in a walled room, with a closed door and without distractions; this also means that if there are others in your home/office, they must not interrupt you during your exam
  • Do not leave the room during your exam; your exam will be terminated
  • To secure the integrity of these exams, no breaks will be allowed during the entirety of your exam
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